I am so honored that I've been named in Sparkah.Com 's global list of the Top 100 Publicists. Congratulations to the other publicists that made the list.
I would like to thank God for blessing me with the gift of being a strong publicist.
I would like to thank my children for the patience in allowing me to put so much time and effort into my career. I'd like to thank Fran Briggs; my first publicist and the inspiration towards such a promising career. I'd like to thank Sparkah.com for this wonderful honor. Many thanks to my business partner at Celeb Status PR, Memory Martin, for all of her support and patience with me. I'd like to thanks my wonderful clients (past and present) that retained me and my firm for representation. Thanks to the many media outlets that have worked with me over the years. And to anyone else I may have failed to thanks...my thanks to you, too.
Published author Attica Lundy presents: MrsLV's Q & A. This blog report is a series of rants, raves, props, and disses about topics from A to Z. At the end of each blog, MrsLV presents the Questions and you post your Answers..thus, Q&A. Suggested topics may be sent to atticalundy@gmail.com. Check out her latest book at http://stores.lulu.com/atticaL
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
No Air duet with Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown
This is a great video that describes what so many feel about being hopelessly in love with someone, not wanted to be without them. I love "love stories", and think that Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown displayed not only a touching video, but a wonderful delivery. Check it out.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm a really big fan of reality TV. I mean, being so involved with my work, I seldom have time to experience a true "social life", so my 'friends' have become my Luv Bugs on Facebook, Twitter, and (sometimes) MySpace, my clients, my staff, and also the familiar faces from the various reality TV shows I watch. It's sad, I know.
So anyway, I'm watching Fantasia's show "FANTASIA FOR REAL", and for some reason it's irriatating me that some segments focus on her brother Joe "Teeny" Barrino. Don't get me wrong- I'm a fan of any upcoming artist getting his/her moment in the limelight, but with Fantasia having sacrificed so much for her family, I think the show shouldn't give so many segments for Teeny.
To be fair, I didn't come into this show from the beginning. For some reason, it doesn't hold my full attention. But -still being fair-I'd rather have the opportunity to get more into Fantasia instead of her brother's storyline.
Can Fantasia just have her spotlight to herself and Teeny just get his own show? If he doesn't warrant having his own, then why did anyone think that him having a storyline on her show was "the move"? #ImJustSaying
So anyway, I'm watching Fantasia's show "FANTASIA FOR REAL", and for some reason it's irriatating me that some segments focus on her brother Joe "Teeny" Barrino. Don't get me wrong- I'm a fan of any upcoming artist getting his/her moment in the limelight, but with Fantasia having sacrificed so much for her family, I think the show shouldn't give so many segments for Teeny.
To be fair, I didn't come into this show from the beginning. For some reason, it doesn't hold my full attention. But -still being fair-I'd rather have the opportunity to get more into Fantasia instead of her brother's storyline.
Can Fantasia just have her spotlight to herself and Teeny just get his own show? If he doesn't warrant having his own, then why did anyone think that him having a storyline on her show was "the move"? #ImJustSaying
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Having been on the promo tour in Atlanta for their upcoming release of their mixtape "FREON FLOW", the group of five ( Studieo, Yung BigE, Ace, Da-Menace, and Zorilla "The Gorilla") have been performing at such clubs as Infrared, Throbacks, Club Libra, The Gate, and other local Atlanta clubs..and now they've hit the Red Carpet in style. They were accompanied by the EAModels, Memory Martin (Co-CEO of Celeb Status PR) and Irma Thompson (Manager and CEO of EA Models), however they did not get to perform.
Tanya "Ms. Malibu" Young of MidSouth Marketing and Media stopped in the middle of the show and annouced to the performers and all others get the hell out. The problem began when Ms. Young and her affiliates allowed performers who had not paid a peroformance fee, to perform before the artist who had paid. Artist came from as far away as Michagan, New Jersey, Flordia, and New York, to perform, but they never got their chance.
Look for "Freon Flow", the mixtape released from their independent label SO THOWED ENT promoted by BLACK HOLLYWOOD CARTEL in mid October 2010.
Having been on the promo tour in Atlanta for their upcoming release of their mixtape "FREON FLOW", the group of five ( Studieo, Yung BigE, Ace, Da-Menace, and Zorilla "The Gorilla") have been performing at such clubs as Infrared, Throbacks, Club Libra, The Gate, and other local Atlanta clubs..and now they've hit the Red Carpet in style. They were accompanied by the EAModels, Memory Martin (Co-CEO of Celeb Status PR) and Irma Thompson (Manager and CEO of EA Models), however they did not get to perform.
Tanya "Ms. Malibu" Young of MidSouth Marketing and Media stopped in the middle of the show and annouced to the performers and all others get the hell out. The problem began when Ms. Young and her affiliates allowed performers who had not paid a peroformance fee, to perform before the artist who had paid. Artist came from as far away as Michagan, New Jersey, Flordia, and New York, to perform, but they never got their chance.
Look for "Freon Flow", the mixtape released from their independent label SO THOWED ENT promoted by BLACK HOLLYWOOD CARTEL in mid October 2010.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
IT'S BEEN A WHIRLWIND OF EVENTS SINCE THE ANNOUNCEMENT WAS MADE REGARDING THE SIGNING OF LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN ( @THEREALLILHOT ) AND MONEY BY DA POUND RECORDS, CREATING A COLLABORATION OF THE LABELS ( NEW MONEY ENT (WHERE LIL HOT IS THE CEO) AND MONEY BY DA POUND RECORDS). The Memphis Based label (MBP) has been in close contact during the deal, and Lil Hot has been traveling back and forth from LA to Memphis to his home based Atlanta. And his original team has been in tow.
On 9/26/10, Lil Hot sent out a tweet to followers:
The gathering turned out to be a mixer between the execs and artists from Money By Da Pound Records and execs and artists from New Money Ent, as well as special invitees from Lil Hot himself. Towards the end of the mixer, Lil Hot got everyone's attention (sporting his new MBP Records Chain) and had the room to come to order so that business could begin.
He first had the attendees to gather around, the New Money and Money By Da Pound execs situated at the front of the room. He instructed everyone to introduce themselves (who they were and what they did). The execs did the same. And then the reason for the gathering was revealed. Lil Hot explained that he wanted his new team to meet the people that had been with him and who had shown true loyalty and support...and that these were the people that he would be hiring as his official staff. As he called each staff member (some new, some old) to the center of the room, he had them give more formal details of what exactly they did, and he basically offered them the position (whatever that was). No one refused his offers. Everyone was indeed shocked, because it was never revealed that by attending this gathering, key players there had made the final cut. Among the positions given were Publicist, Model Firm, Camera Man, Videographer, Tour DJ, Marketing & Promotions, Street Team, and a few others.
And, of course, other invitees were in attendance, those whom Lil Hot wanted to share in his celebration-the ones who are considered close friends and network partners. Select Media was also in attendance.
You will see a lot of new and old faces for the new #TeamLilHot . For those who are on the new #TeamLilHot staff (including Da Publicist @AtticaLundy and @CelebStatus_PR , PBrown @StreetTalkCEO , DJ @Swampizzo , @BagBoiPromo , Peaches (Irma Thompson, Manager of #EAModels) @SandyBeach63 , Cake @EatTheCake , and a few others) the invite was worth accepting. For those who were invited and chose not to attend, an opportunity was missed but there were no hard feelings. This was just one of those occasions where if "you snooze,you lose". Lil Hot tweeted after the event was over:
#Salute to the NEW New Money Ent "family" and Money By Da Pound Records, and an extra special #BOSS #SALUTE to the man who made it possible, LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN ( @TheRealLilHot ), the label that pays me.
For media inquiries, interview requests, music requests, drop requests, features, appearances for Lil Hot Da Money Man, please contact his publicist Attica Lundy or his PR Firm Celeb Status PR at 404.593.0242 or AtticaLundy@Gmail.com / Info@CelebStatusPR.com
On 9/26/10, Lil Hot sent out a tweet to followers:
As many followers anxiously awaited a DM from the Atlanta based rapper, on a few were privilaged enough to get the invite. Even though that did receive the invite had no idea what the gathering would entail. No hints of attire, subject, or contact info was givin: only a hotel location with the instructions that once you arrived at the location, you were to call and someone would come to the lobby to get you.@TheRealLilHot LIL HOTLIL HOT @TheRealLilhot is HAVING a PRIVATE TWITTER NETWORKING Gathering 2nite @ a DISCLOSED LOCATION...IF u don't get A DM u are not Invited
The gathering turned out to be a mixer between the execs and artists from Money By Da Pound Records and execs and artists from New Money Ent, as well as special invitees from Lil Hot himself. Towards the end of the mixer, Lil Hot got everyone's attention (sporting his new MBP Records Chain) and had the room to come to order so that business could begin.
He first had the attendees to gather around, the New Money and Money By Da Pound execs situated at the front of the room. He instructed everyone to introduce themselves (who they were and what they did). The execs did the same. And then the reason for the gathering was revealed. Lil Hot explained that he wanted his new team to meet the people that had been with him and who had shown true loyalty and support...and that these were the people that he would be hiring as his official staff. As he called each staff member (some new, some old) to the center of the room, he had them give more formal details of what exactly they did, and he basically offered them the position (whatever that was). No one refused his offers. Everyone was indeed shocked, because it was never revealed that by attending this gathering, key players there had made the final cut. Among the positions given were Publicist, Model Firm, Camera Man, Videographer, Tour DJ, Marketing & Promotions, Street Team, and a few others.
And, of course, other invitees were in attendance, those whom Lil Hot wanted to share in his celebration-the ones who are considered close friends and network partners. Select Media was also in attendance.
You will see a lot of new and old faces for the new #TeamLilHot . For those who are on the new #TeamLilHot staff (including Da Publicist @AtticaLundy and @CelebStatus_PR , PBrown @StreetTalkCEO , DJ @Swampizzo , @BagBoiPromo , Peaches (Irma Thompson, Manager of #EAModels) @SandyBeach63 , Cake @EatTheCake , and a few others) the invite was worth accepting. For those who were invited and chose not to attend, an opportunity was missed but there were no hard feelings. This was just one of those occasions where if "you snooze,you lose". Lil Hot tweeted after the event was over:
And he did...he reached out to those who he felt worthy of extending an official job that came with a budget (PAID EMPLOYMENT) and it was one of those times where you had to be there in order to "get the gig". For some time now, he's been tweeting "I got options". Now we know what that means.If I reached out to u today and you MISSED The meeting..... Remember I did my part #MovingOn
#Salute to the NEW New Money Ent "family" and Money By Da Pound Records, and an extra special #BOSS #SALUTE to the man who made it possible, LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN ( @TheRealLilHot ), the label that pays me.
For media inquiries, interview requests, music requests, drop requests, features, appearances for Lil Hot Da Money Man, please contact his publicist Attica Lundy or his PR Firm Celeb Status PR at 404.593.0242 or AtticaLundy@Gmail.com / Info@CelebStatusPR.com
Sunday, September 26, 2010
BISHOP EDDIE LONG DIDN'T SKIP A BEAT, THOUGH THE MEDIA FRENZY HAS BEEN ROUGH ON HIM SINCE THE SCANDAL ALLEGING THAT HE INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCHED "BOYS". The this is a rough period for Bishop Eddie Long, he still held services at his church, and said that he will continue to do so.
He addressed his congregation, and also the world. "As a pastor to make this statement, I want to help everybody". He addressed his "sons and daughters", which consist of other pastors that he's touched the lives of. "This is one of the most difficult moments of my life". He talked about how to handle "Painful and Difficult situations". His statements were made with the most elegant, humble, and even humors of words, and he handled it well.
This video is of his statements today. The 1st really begins addressing it at the 4:47 marker (go ahead and fast forward if you want).
Part two gets to the point, really.
This is an unfortunate turn of events for Bishop Long. With the Media going haywire on this, it's distracting from what Bishop Long's mission is: and that is to spread the word, to minister, and to assist those in need. All jokes aside, he has been very instrumental in many lives. I hope this doesn't get as bad as the Michael Jackson attacks. Remember, it wasn't until after he died that someone came forth and actually proved his innocence. A scandal like this could dis destroy anyone's faith...and that would be such a tragedy.
Let me make clear that in no way do I promote sexual abuse. However, I am neither judge nor jury. It is my hope that none of the allegations are true though. In the meantime, we'll just have to see how all of this plays out.
Oh, and LuvBugs...the twitter ID @BishopEddieLong is a fake one, so don't believe the hype.
He addressed his congregation, and also the world. "As a pastor to make this statement, I want to help everybody". He addressed his "sons and daughters", which consist of other pastors that he's touched the lives of. "This is one of the most difficult moments of my life". He talked about how to handle "Painful and Difficult situations". His statements were made with the most elegant, humble, and even humors of words, and he handled it well.
This video is of his statements today. The 1st really begins addressing it at the 4:47 marker (go ahead and fast forward if you want).
Part two gets to the point, really.
This is an unfortunate turn of events for Bishop Long. With the Media going haywire on this, it's distracting from what Bishop Long's mission is: and that is to spread the word, to minister, and to assist those in need. All jokes aside, he has been very instrumental in many lives. I hope this doesn't get as bad as the Michael Jackson attacks. Remember, it wasn't until after he died that someone came forth and actually proved his innocence. A scandal like this could dis destroy anyone's faith...and that would be such a tragedy.
Let me make clear that in no way do I promote sexual abuse. However, I am neither judge nor jury. It is my hope that none of the allegations are true though. In the meantime, we'll just have to see how all of this plays out.
Oh, and LuvBugs...the twitter ID @BishopEddieLong is a fake one, so don't believe the hype.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
When Lil Hot finished recording his new hit, CASH feel from the ceiling into his and on the board! Crisp $20's, $50'S, and $100's. He's Lil Hot Da Money Man. |
ATLANTA BASED RAPPER LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN HAS BEEN DOING IT BIG IN LOS ANGELES THIS PAST FEW DAYS. He arrived in LA late Tuesday evening, and immediately began working on new compilation projects, and took some meetings. The same thing went on today. It doesn't end!
He's working full time now in the New Money Ent EMPIRE, having just signed a deal with MONEY BY DA POUND RECORDS, enlarging the already growing independent label, where his is the CEO. "This is no vacation-but we will do that, too, very soon. This is work. Anybody that knows me knows I'm one of the hardest workers out there, and I expect my team to be too. " And they are.
Hot has a strong team that goes hard on the New Money Ent movement. And everybody see's this. Several labels in the past have approached Hot about signing, but up until now their terms just didn't fit into what his vision for his label and his career were. Finally he's found what he's been looking for; MONEY BY DA POUND RECORDS. It just makes sense for DA MONEY MAN to be tied in with MONEY BY DA POUND, lol. And the proof is where you can see it.
I'll keep you posted, Luv Bugs, because this is the hottest (no pun intended) story poppin' out of the ATL. ~~Holla~~~
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
THE ANNOUNCEMENT CAME IN TODAY THAT R&B SENSATION LYFE JENNINGS GOT SENTENCED TO THREE YEARS AND A HALF YEARS IN PRISON FOR A PAST ALTERCATION WITH HIS EX GIRLFRIEND. The altercation came about in 2008, ending up in gunfire and a high speed car chase, among other things that occurred. The sentencing came about on the same year (2010) that his album "Statistics" was released. Unfortunately, Lyfe has become another statistic :(
He sent out a tweet today:
Check out the video for "Statistics".
He sent out a tweet today:
"This will be my last post," Jennings wrote. "To everyone who gave me a chance I am forever in your debt. I have had a fabulous career because of you. All I can say in parting is that I have been honest. I didn't sugarcoat a word didn't hold back a single [part] of my life from [you]. I've lived a hundred lives in these 6 yrs so I not only won't, I don't have the right to complain. I would like to think that I've changed lives by changing my own, tho I can't be sure. But one thing I am sure of is God gives and takes away in measure. He is fair, just and forever."
Check out the video for "Statistics".
Monday, September 20, 2010
I got a text on Sept 18, 2010 from Lil Hot Da Money Man for his publicists to meet him at V-103, the people's station in Atlanta, GA. Celeb Status PR Co-Ceo Memory Martin and I went to meet him and the New Money Entertainment group.
Lil Bankhead met us at the door and took us upstairs, and when Lil Hot came in, in true LIL HOT fashion, the radio show turned into the "Lil Hot Show". His songs were broken on the spot, and it was a great big party.
But that's another story. The story here is about one of Lil Hot's biggest "littlest" fans....little Chase Sabari, an 8 year old boy who recognized Lil Hot outside of Colony Square. He immediately pointed out Lil Hot, and his excitement led to him scoring a picture with one of his favorite rappers.
Chase was out with his mom, Mrs. Shondia Sabari, on a "Mommy and Son Weekend" when they happened upon Lil Hot and the entire New Money Ent crew, The Celeb Status PR team of publicists, and Money By Da Pound Records. They'd spent the weekend relaxing at the W Hotel, ate succi at Shout, and had a day at Dave And Busters. Chase, an exceptionally talented 8 year old is in the third grade and reads on middle school level. He is very cultured and is in US KIDS GOLF (and a HUGE Tiger Woods fan). He also has mastered amateur music production! He's an exceptional kid.
He first learned of Lil Hot from his cousin who lives in South Carolina. His cousin follows the underground rap scene and the music of Independent Greats- Lil Hot Da Money Man being one of his favorites. Chase had seen Lil Hot once before in passing at Lenox Mall, but never got the opportunity to meet him face to face up until this point.
In addition to taking pics with Lil Hot, the two exchanged words. Lil Hot advised Chase to stay in school and to do his best, and guess what Chase advised Lil Hot??? "Yes, Sir, I will, and you stay on your grind". Mrs. Sabari later told me that Chase asked her, "Mommy, I know that I'll stay in school and do my best like Lil Hot told me. Do you think he'll take my advice and stay on his grind?". She responded, "Of course he will. He's Lil Hot Da Money Man". #Priceless
Per request, Celeb Status PR will provide "Lil Chase" a CD with all LIL HOT "CLEAN" versions of his songs and autographed materials for Chase to keep. In addition to that, Lil Hot plans on taking time out of his schedule to give little Chase a tour of New Money Entertainment studios and to show Chase how to work the equipment in a real studio, a wish that Chase has had for some time now. Be on the lookout...New Money Ent may just have found their youngest producer yet!
Lil Bankhead met us at the door and took us upstairs, and when Lil Hot came in, in true LIL HOT fashion, the radio show turned into the "Lil Hot Show". His songs were broken on the spot, and it was a great big party.
But that's another story. The story here is about one of Lil Hot's biggest "littlest" fans....little Chase Sabari, an 8 year old boy who recognized Lil Hot outside of Colony Square. He immediately pointed out Lil Hot, and his excitement led to him scoring a picture with one of his favorite rappers.
Chase was out with his mom, Mrs. Shondia Sabari, on a "Mommy and Son Weekend" when they happened upon Lil Hot and the entire New Money Ent crew, The Celeb Status PR team of publicists, and Money By Da Pound Records. They'd spent the weekend relaxing at the W Hotel, ate succi at Shout, and had a day at Dave And Busters. Chase, an exceptionally talented 8 year old is in the third grade and reads on middle school level. He is very cultured and is in US KIDS GOLF (and a HUGE Tiger Woods fan). He also has mastered amateur music production! He's an exceptional kid.
He first learned of Lil Hot from his cousin who lives in South Carolina. His cousin follows the underground rap scene and the music of Independent Greats- Lil Hot Da Money Man being one of his favorites. Chase had seen Lil Hot once before in passing at Lenox Mall, but never got the opportunity to meet him face to face up until this point.
In addition to taking pics with Lil Hot, the two exchanged words. Lil Hot advised Chase to stay in school and to do his best, and guess what Chase advised Lil Hot??? "Yes, Sir, I will, and you stay on your grind". Mrs. Sabari later told me that Chase asked her, "Mommy, I know that I'll stay in school and do my best like Lil Hot told me. Do you think he'll take my advice and stay on his grind?". She responded, "Of course he will. He's Lil Hot Da Money Man". #Priceless
Per request, Celeb Status PR will provide "Lil Chase" a CD with all LIL HOT "CLEAN" versions of his songs and autographed materials for Chase to keep. In addition to that, Lil Hot plans on taking time out of his schedule to give little Chase a tour of New Money Entertainment studios and to show Chase how to work the equipment in a real studio, a wish that Chase has had for some time now. Be on the lookout...New Money Ent may just have found their youngest producer yet!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lil Hot Da Money Man Checkin' In
Bringing street sh*t to the Industry! Lil Hot Da Money Man is working!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Celeb Status PR got the invite on twitter to attend KIRBY THA HOTTEST 's mixtape release party for "Breakfast In Bed". Our VIP list included Arkansas rap sensation group ICED OUT CLICK (Studieo, BigE, Da-Menace, Ace, and Zorilla) , rapper P Floata (the most recent addition to Celeb PR and his right hand man Tee, and their very own in-house EA Models ( Amanda and Cee-Cee). And, of course, Attica Lundy aka Da Publicist (ME!) lead the list. With an entourage of ten, the Celeb Status PR party entered the VIP and commenced to kicking it harder than they've kicked it in a long time. ICON LOUNGE has surely never seen anything like it before.
Miz Mena, a familiar face among the underground rap community and a close friend to Celeb Status PR, was also in attendance-a personal guest of KIRBY THA HOTTEST. His manager, Lisa Watts, was in attendance, looking stunning as usual. Maurice Kirby was there, too. And too many more to mention. The VIP was totally packed.
Everyone was dancing. There were no live performances (except for when KIRBY THE HOTTEST took the MIC and began EM CEEing as no one else can do, introducing and performing hit singles from his BREAKFAST IN BED mixtape….a star performance, I must add. CELEB STATUS PR and their EA MODELS, of course, did their thing by passing out the mixtape so everyone in attendance could get one (even though they ran out at some point during the night----who knew the party would have been that jammed packed????!!!!) -----, and took photos of and with the guests. At some point (and I don't know if it was the heat or if the ladies just got too hot for their clothes, two women got up on the bar and began …. Dropping it like it's hot (and by dropping it, I mean takin' them clothes off and doing stripper routines). Then, of course, DA-MENACE, who is known for his famous dance routines (a highlight of the ICED OUT CLICK experience) also stole the floor as he did moves like only DA-MENACE can do. P-FLOATA also did his thing…his sexy thing, blingged up in his diamond studded Stuey (from Family Guy) medallion ----dancing with all the hot ladies in the party as they fell in love with his swag. KIRBY THA HOTTEST, of course, got so many ladies about to drop their panties (think I saw a pair or two of Victoria Secrets latest).
Overall, I'd have to say that this was the best party I've been to in a long time. Shout-Out to all the attendees of the party, Celeb Status PR and their crew, and most importantly KIRBY THA HOTTEST for throwing the wildest mixtape release part Atlanta has seen in a long time…if ever.
On Twitter, be sure to follow:
@AtticaLundy @MizMena @IcedOutClick @PFloataBitch Tee @CelebStatus_PR @EAmodel_ADwhite @EAmodel_PrettyC @ReeseThaChosen @Lisa_4SK @KirbyThaHottest
Monday, August 23, 2010
LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN interviewed with ReinChild of Detroit Riot Radio at 7pm on 8/23/10 and it was definitely an interview that gave some hot (no pun intended), juicy news. He talked about the new projects such as a NEW DJ SCREAM hosted mixtape with Memphis rapper Criminal Manne, a new documentary of Lil Hot's life, and other projects that the CEO of New Money ENT has poppin' off.
A little known fact that was talked about is the dedication that Lil Hot has towards helping humanity. His most recent interest is his nephew, Cleave, who was diagnosed with Colon cancer at the ripe age of 27. Hot has called the community out to assist in fund-raising efforts in hopes of paying for the $100+ surgery that his nephew needs to remove the cancer.
Hot also has a strong dedication to giving back to the community. He has donated hundreds of dollars towards outreach programs, underprivileged people in the community, diseases that affect the lives of millions, and more. Up until now, LIL HOT has not been public with his philanthropist activities, but with the efforts towards his nephew's fundraiser and his recent public relations deal with Celeb Status PR (his PR firm out of Atlanta, GA), media has been on a frenzy scheduling interviews with "Da Money Man".
Ever so humble, LIL HOT announces that as he rises to the top, he will not be like some of these main stream artists that rise and don't look back. "I know where I came from. No matter what, I won't forget that. Even now, they still see me on the streets. I still fuck with everybody that was with me from the beginning; they are still my 'people' ".
Several new things are poppin' for LIL HOT. Don't blink...because if you do, you just may miss it.
For Interview Requests, Music, Booking, and info, contact Celeb Status PR at info@celebstatuspr.com or contact Attica Lundy at 404.593.0242
Follow LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN on twitter at http://twitter.com/TheRealLilHot ( @TheRealLilHot )
A little known fact that was talked about is the dedication that Lil Hot has towards helping humanity. His most recent interest is his nephew, Cleave, who was diagnosed with Colon cancer at the ripe age of 27. Hot has called the community out to assist in fund-raising efforts in hopes of paying for the $100+ surgery that his nephew needs to remove the cancer.
Hot also has a strong dedication to giving back to the community. He has donated hundreds of dollars towards outreach programs, underprivileged people in the community, diseases that affect the lives of millions, and more. Up until now, LIL HOT has not been public with his philanthropist activities, but with the efforts towards his nephew's fundraiser and his recent public relations deal with Celeb Status PR (his PR firm out of Atlanta, GA), media has been on a frenzy scheduling interviews with "Da Money Man".
Ever so humble, LIL HOT announces that as he rises to the top, he will not be like some of these main stream artists that rise and don't look back. "I know where I came from. No matter what, I won't forget that. Even now, they still see me on the streets. I still fuck with everybody that was with me from the beginning; they are still my 'people' ".
Several new things are poppin' for LIL HOT. Don't blink...because if you do, you just may miss it.
For Interview Requests, Music, Booking, and info, contact Celeb Status PR at info@celebstatuspr.com or contact Attica Lundy at 404.593.0242
Follow LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN on twitter at http://twitter.com/TheRealLilHot ( @TheRealLilHot )
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Yeah, right! If you believe in fairly tales, then you may be one to side with Antwaun Cook's wife Paula Cook, in thinking that it was Fantasia Barrino that caused her marriage to fail. But if you are in the real world, you would know that a marriage cannot be broken unless...it already has cracks in it.
It was 'discovered' that Antwaun was actually living with Fantasia in her $1.3 suburban Charlotte mansion since last fall. We're approaching a new fall season now, so why all of a sudden are they talking about Fantasia possibly being sued by Paula on the basis of the Alienation of Affection law? First of all, in the state of NC (one of the few states that still carry that bullsh*t law), revisions of the law state were made. As of 10/01/2009 if the extramarital affair started after a married couple is separated, the alienation of affection law cannot be used. Obviously if a man is living with another woman, it seems that separation is there.
I personally feel like if my man decided to slip into the sheets with someone else, I have to know that what I was doing wasn't enough for him. And the same for if a man decides to spend his time/efforts on me. Seriously...how crazy is that to sue the other woman?!
But, Fantasia may have something to really be concerned about. In NC it is illegal to have sex with someone who is married to someone else under any circumstances (other than the revised law mentioning seperation) . If Paula can prove that Fanny’s been sleeping with her husband, she could win BIG MONEY in a civil suit. It's possible. In 2001, a jury awarded one scorned lover $1.4 million under the law, known as “criminal conversation.”
It's a harsh world when you have to be your brothers keeper and your sisters keeper when it comes to matters of the heart (and purse). I guess NC ain't down with that "Chick on the Side" status. I mean, what the hell happened to being able to send his ass home when you're finished kicking it? I'm in NO WAY applauding or even endorsing extra marital affairs or adultery, but DAMN----WHY PUNISH THE OTHER WOMAN...IT'S THE HUSBAND WHO MADE THE VOWS TO HIS WIFE, HE SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THEM. Personally, I think the law is a cop-out and a way to keep the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". If Paula does go through with the lawsuit, she's (in my opinion) lame as hell.
On a side note (I hope the d**k was good enough to pay money for, because that just may be the case).
Mistresses & Chicks on the side, Please note that in Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah the Alienation of Affection Law is enforced. It is VERY illegal to give the pu**y to a married man in those mentioned states (but ain't nothing wrong with a little bump an grind in the rest of the states). #ImJustSayin
Yeah, right! If you believe in fairly tales, then you may be one to side with Antwaun Cook's wife Paula Cook, in thinking that it was Fantasia Barrino that caused her marriage to fail. But if you are in the real world, you would know that a marriage cannot be broken unless...it already has cracks in it.
It was 'discovered' that Antwaun was actually living with Fantasia in her $1.3 suburban Charlotte mansion since last fall. We're approaching a new fall season now, so why all of a sudden are they talking about Fantasia possibly being sued by Paula on the basis of the Alienation of Affection law? First of all, in the state of NC (one of the few states that still carry that bullsh*t law), revisions of the law state were made. As of 10/01/2009 if the extramarital affair started after a married couple is separated, the alienation of affection law cannot be used. Obviously if a man is living with another woman, it seems that separation is there.
I personally feel like if my man decided to slip into the sheets with someone else, I have to know that what I was doing wasn't enough for him. And the same for if a man decides to spend his time/efforts on me. Seriously...how crazy is that to sue the other woman?!
But, Fantasia may have something to really be concerned about. In NC it is illegal to have sex with someone who is married to someone else under any circumstances (other than the revised law mentioning seperation) . If Paula can prove that Fanny’s been sleeping with her husband, she could win BIG MONEY in a civil suit. It's possible. In 2001, a jury awarded one scorned lover $1.4 million under the law, known as “criminal conversation.”
It's a harsh world when you have to be your brothers keeper and your sisters keeper when it comes to matters of the heart (and purse). I guess NC ain't down with that "Chick on the Side" status. I mean, what the hell happened to being able to send his ass home when you're finished kicking it? I'm in NO WAY applauding or even endorsing extra marital affairs or adultery, but DAMN----WHY PUNISH THE OTHER WOMAN...IT'S THE HUSBAND WHO MADE THE VOWS TO HIS WIFE, HE SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THEM. Personally, I think the law is a cop-out and a way to keep the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". If Paula does go through with the lawsuit, she's (in my opinion) lame as hell.
On a side note (I hope the d**k was good enough to pay money for, because that just may be the case).
Mistresses & Chicks on the side, Please note that in Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah the Alienation of Affection Law is enforced. It is VERY illegal to give the pu**y to a married man in those mentioned states (but ain't nothing wrong with a little bump an grind in the rest of the states). #ImJustSayin
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
CEO of MMI LA DA BOOMMAN called on twitter followers to meet him on UStream for a special announcement at 2pm today. The announcement didn't come immediately, as they waited for more viewers to log in.
MMI stands for Making Moves Inc, and is about making moves in your life EVERYDAY. It's a serious movement. They are known for booking ROSCO DASH, as well as others. They also provide beats. Only being around for one year, they are definitively making moves in Atlanta.
At 2:31 the announcement was made. LA DA BOOMMAN announced a NEW ARTIST ALERT. "A lot of niggas gonna doubt what a nigga is doing, but we are taking it to a new level. I think we've found it" said CEO LA DA BOOMMAN. He announced that eventually he's going to sign himself, but that's not the announcement.
Stuey Rock (known from Hot 107.9) took the seat. The breaking news was that J Futuristic is with the team. And MMI is about to do it BIG!
You can follow LA DA BOOMMAN on twitter @@LA_DABOOMMAN
Follow J Futuristic, MMI's newest signed artist, at @JFUTURISTIC09
MMI stands for Making Moves Inc, and is about making moves in your life EVERYDAY. It's a serious movement. They are known for booking ROSCO DASH, as well as others. They also provide beats. Only being around for one year, they are definitively making moves in Atlanta.
At 2:31 the announcement was made. LA DA BOOMMAN announced a NEW ARTIST ALERT. "A lot of niggas gonna doubt what a nigga is doing, but we are taking it to a new level. I think we've found it" said CEO LA DA BOOMMAN. He announced that eventually he's going to sign himself, but that's not the announcement.
Stuey Rock (known from Hot 107.9) took the seat. The breaking news was that J Futuristic is with the team. And MMI is about to do it BIG!
You can follow LA DA BOOMMAN on twitter @@LA_DABOOMMAN
Follow J Futuristic, MMI's newest signed artist, at @JFUTURISTIC09
Monday, August 2, 2010
Bill Cosby Is Not Dead, But He Does Have An Ap

This isn't the first time he's had to do some twitter 'rebuttaling' . In February 2010, he had to tweet that he wasn't dead.
As you know, Bill Cosby is a legendary actor, comedian, family man, fan of the kids, and humanitarian. He has recently been noted as one of Hip Hop & Rap's most outspoken complainer about the current etiquette of lyrical content and expression (lol).
Well, of course if he tweeted it, it must be true (DUH). HE IS NOT DEAD (his career may be according to some people, but he's still-a-tweetin') he's very much ALIVE. "Not #Dead, lol", as tweeters would say.
"Again, I'm rebuttaling rumors about my demise. But, I'm confirming I have an app - http://bit.ly/BillCosbyApp :) "
"Emotional friends have called about this misinformation. To the people behind the foolishness, I’m not sure you see how upsetting this is. " are some of the other tweets he tweeted today.
WTF...back up...He has an AP?
Yes, he does! He's a baller, #thisguy. I mean, how many people have their own AP (#kickrocks, haterz!). The ap is advertised on iTunes! 'This is a FREE app for Bill Cosby fans young & old. You'll find rarely seen videos, concert information, audio books, & more! For more information about this app & other Bill Cosby apps please visit http://www.billcosby.com/mobile ' (a little free PR Plug for Mr. Jello Pudding Pop from me to him".
He actually tweets quite a bit from his twitter account located at http://twitter.com/BillCosby . That's right, @BillCosby , a proud Verified Twitter Account member of Twitter World sporting 1,189,408 followers. He tweets about all kinds of things; from his viewpoints to his events that he's having to even sarcastic remarks to his fans (yes, he tweets to fans).
I'm still waiting on that tweet about me getting free Jello Pudding Pops! @BillCosby follow @AtticaLundy ,#youaretheman !
Lindsay Lohan Released and Booted to Rehab...again
It never fails. Lindsay Lohan has made it to the news again on a not-so-positive note. I mean, being released from prison is great...and going to rehab is a great beginning...but dayum, Lindsay-can't we get some REALLY good news out of you? Get your shit together, girl, because you were where a lot of young actresses would love to be and you just threw it away. #Fail
So the big news on Lindsay is that she was released from jail (again) and is headed to rehab (again)...and this is the big story on CNN today. She was released from California’s Lynwood Correctional Facility early this morning. She's ordered to go to rehab and to remain sober for 1 year (until August 2011). I hope she learns her lesson. It only took me 1 blackout to learn that I couldn't get loose off da Goose.---but this chick hasn't learned from her mistakes. Hopefully she'll turn over a new leaf and get her *ish together. SMH at CNN for making this story a priority, though. Blogging, yes, CNN news...ridiculous.
So the big news on Lindsay is that she was released from jail (again) and is headed to rehab (again)...and this is the big story on CNN today. She was released from California’s Lynwood Correctional Facility early this morning. She's ordered to go to rehab and to remain sober for 1 year (until August 2011). I hope she learns her lesson. It only took me 1 blackout to learn that I couldn't get loose off da Goose.---but this chick hasn't learned from her mistakes. Hopefully she'll turn over a new leaf and get her *ish together. SMH at CNN for making this story a priority, though. Blogging, yes, CNN news...ridiculous.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Lil Hot Da Money Man performs at Chat Town's Club Drink
Lil Hot Da Money Man performed at Club Drink, located in Chattanooga, TN. The love for Lil Hot was apparent, as all of the fans knew the words to his songs and even shouted out requests. He couldn't even get into the building an onto the stage before people began pointing at him and chanting "Drop That Pack Off". Of course, when Lil Hot did hit the stage, he gave the fans what they'd been waiting for. "Trap Spot", "Drop That Pack Off", and of course "I Fucked Her" were among most requested.
That's right! New Money Entertainment's First Lady, Nikki XXX Roxanne, graced the stage in a surprise performance request from Mr. CEO himself, Lil Hot. This was her first performance as the First Lady on the label. How did she do? Well, she definitely proved herself to be a "Boss Bitch".
This is the New Money Empire. Shout-out to DJ Hollywood OOmpa, Family Ent, BC Promotions, Six Figea Ent, and Gutta Squad!
That's right! New Money Entertainment's First Lady, Nikki XXX Roxanne, graced the stage in a surprise performance request from Mr. CEO himself, Lil Hot. This was her first performance as the First Lady on the label. How did she do? Well, she definitely proved herself to be a "Boss Bitch".
This is the New Money Empire. Shout-out to DJ Hollywood OOmpa, Family Ent, BC Promotions, Six Figea Ent, and Gutta Squad!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Executive James A. Smith Heads to Cleveland for New Voices Tour
Executive James A. Smith Heads to Cleveland with the Simmons Sisters and Reid Brothers to Launch New Voices Tour, Second City Round of Auditions
Co Executive Producer of New Voices Tour James A. Smith is coming to Cleveland! Can the Next Super Star be in the Midwest?
New York, NY (July 23, 2010) - Executive James A. Smith, will be in Cleveland July 24th for the next round of auditions for the New Voices 2010 Tour, with Record/ Publishing Executive Antonio M. Reid, Jr. his brother Aaron Reid, Vanessa and Angela Simmons. Smith joins the brother and sister partnership with a tremendous amount of experience under his belt, as an executive, entrepreneur, philanthropist, impresario, and music mogul in the making.
Smith is a prominent example for the term “work your way up the corporate ladder”. Using his overly achieved skills of networking, Smith has interacted on a business and professional level with some of the most distinguished music executives as a young teenager. Establishing these relationships at a young age, have provided him the opportunity to intern at the likes of Street Mos Magazine and later Island Def Jam. Smith also managed at a young age, to dabble into almost everything. He worked at an independent record label where he managed tour promotions, artist showcases, reviewing budgets, concert productions, and appointing stylists and publicist.
Smith is excited to lend his expertise to the talented hopefuls, amongst the industry’s top A&R’s consisting of management teams, producers, and song writers who will be judging and critiquing New Voices contestants. “Interested contestants will audition before a panel of industry insiders,” comments Smith who is also a Co Founder to the YEEC, (The Young Entrepreneur Empowerment Coalition). The YEEC‘s mission is to help today’s youth become tomorrow’s successful leaders. “Everyone needs to bring their A-Game”.
About New Voices Tour
New Voices Tour was launched with Record/ Publishing Executive Antonio M. Reid, Jr. his brother Aaron Reid, Vanessa and Angela Simmons and in conjunction with Executive James A. Smith and a “Who’s Who? “ team of industry insiders, taste makers and executives. It is a talent competition committed to music and dedicated to the spoken word. "The most gratifying part of my life in music has always been the search for new talent, the discovery of an artist whose music changes the culture, brings it forward. When Antonio asked me to serve as a judge for his talent search, I did not hesitate. This is the heart and soul of where new music is at, and I'm really looking forward to it”, states Chairman of Island Def Jam LA Reid.
Winners of New Voices receive recording budgets, private showcase with record executives, celebrity make-over, and much more. This competition will be fierce... Someone will be famous!
. For more information regarding New Voices Tour please visit www.newvoicestour.com
For all interviews and media inquires please contact Kathy Liautaud at kathy@klprgroup.com
Thursday, July 22, 2010
King of Hip Hop Soul, CR Retains KLPR Group as his Public Relations Firm
R&B Sensation CR has just been added to the roster of clients for New York based PR firm KLPR Group
New York, NY (July 21, 2010) – With his sultry vocals, captivating lyrics, and hypnotic beats, Recording Artist CR is a multi faceted power house of talent. He is a singer, songwriter, producer, and engineer. Using his music and technical expertise, he has created a style of music that reinvents Hip Hop/ R&B and gives it a refreshing new sound.
CR’s musical genius was crafted by the influences of two musical parents – his mother, a songstress and his father, a percussionist and vocalist – which continue to influence his aspirations today. The soulful singer was born in Washington, DC and raised in Baltimore. CR grew up listening to music acts such as James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Boyz II Men, D' Angelo, and Jodeci and they taught him how one can be inspired to do greatness with their own music.
The multi talented CR made his music career debut in 2006 when his first single “Know You Better” hit the Baltimore air waves at 92.3 WERQ (a Radio One station) and ranked as the No.5 most played song amongst any genre. In 2007, CR continued to demand attention from his native city, headlining various shows and opening a performance for recording artists, Tank and Raheem Davaughn.
KLPR Group is based in New York and currently represents several recording artist such as Olivia, Krys Ivory, Vaughn Anthony and now CR. The boutique firm also represents Radio Personality, Cherry Martinez of New York's WWPR Power 105.1, and Young Entrepreneur Empowerment Coalition (YEEC) Co Founder/ New Voices 2010 Tour Executive Producer James A. Smith. KLPR Group is also currently working on the New Voices Tour with Angela and Vanessa Simmons and Antonio and Aaron Reid.
When asked about working with CR, Kathy Liautaud of KLPR Group stated, “CR is an amazing artist; he is multi talented, he sings, writes, produces, and arranges his own music. He is a breath of fresh air to the industry; he doesn't compromise himself to follow the popular trend. CR is a music renaissance man”.
2008 began an unparalleled year for the talented artist, as his highly anticipated album, “Show & Tell”, was released. Fans and supporters expressed high expectations from the project, and rightfully so. The album was well received and both music critics and fans loved the album. CR has branded himself as a true artist, capable of delivering pure perfection. Perseverance is what made CR what he is today. Still inspired by other greats such as James Brown, Jay Z, Nas, Usher, Will I AM and T-Pain, in today's music world CR is sure to incorporate his unique style and sound that will have listeners begging for more.
Today, the singing sensation is currently working with Hakim Najm, Founder of Dream Star/ Nappy Boy Entertainment. Najm is the brother of Grammy Award winning artist & producer T-Pain. Adding new ingredients to a timeless recipe – CR is guaranteed to leave a path for other artists to emulate.
For interviews and media inquiries, please contact Kathy Liautaud at kathy@klprgroup.com
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Club Diosa Unveiled in Atlanta July 22 at Havana Club
Club Diosa Unveiled in Atlanta July 22 at Havana Club
ATLANTA, GA- July, 2010— Pop music’s next siren of seduction and sound; Diosa Stevenson will turn it up for Havana Club with her debut launch and live performance; CLUB DIOSA on July 22nd at 3112 Piedmont Rd. in Buckhead, GA. After months of metamorphosis and supreme preparation, Felicia Stevenson, aka Diosa, is ready to spread her wings and show the world what popular music has been missing, and perhaps prove why Stevenson deserves her claim among the best in the game.
The irrefutable Latina/Americana beauty with the smooth sultry voice and infectious rhythms will captivate and transcend all barriers. The petite powerhouse exudes electrifying elegance and undeniable talent that will captivate any audience. Presented by Icon Music Group, owned by Barry Zaklad and Teddy Alexander Bishop, featuring the Club Diosa band, DJ Nica, DJ Shane V and Club Diosa dancers choreographed by acclaimed choreographer CiCi Kelley, Diosa Stevenson will formally launch her sizzling new singles, rising dance club favorite; “DJ Turn It Up” along with smoking tracks; “Paramedic”, the bossy joint “My Way” and all too sweet “Sugar Rush” off her upcoming album Club Diosa, by producer Teddy Bishop.
Opening the Club Diosa set is TAOS aka the “architect of sound”; debuting singles off his new CD Breaking Ground also orchestrated by Teddy Alexander Bishop. Doors open at 9pm, with live performance at midnight, experience Club Diosa. To secure Media Credentials, contact celebrity publicist TREA DAVENPORT, at: (678) 523-3088 or email: treadayPR@gmail.com .
Friday, July 16, 2010
WTF?! Is this what Hip Hop has come to?
Now, I'm just saying....or in my twitter world #imjustsaying #WTF is this?!
#GetDaFuckOuttaHere ....This was on none other than World Star Hip Hop. #Wow
#GetDaFuckOuttaHere ....This was on none other than World Star Hip Hop. #Wow
#SoYouFancy that Superhead has standards now, huh?
Since when did fu*king everyone and their momma's put you on the high-horse, you jack-ass?!
I was going to do an article focusing on Karrine Steffans-the author. You know, highlight some of the positive attributes she has (we all have them), as opposed to the alternative thing we all know her for...sucking d*ck and putting people on blast after she does them. I didn't want to talk about how "Steffans rose to fame when she released her tell all book about all the men she has given head to and since then has been riding the slut train all the way to the top"
So, I wrote to Steffan's PR team, who responded back with "Mrs. Steffans-McCrary is not available for interviews at this time and when she is available, prefers to work with more notable publications. Thank you for your interest, but we’ll have to decline."
I responded back with a "thank you for your timely response and I appreciate your honesty", but then I got to thinking...Hold Up A Fuggin' Minute! YOU WILL SUCK AND FUCK ON FLOORS AND BACK SEATS OF CARS AND THEN HAVE THE NERVE TO TELL THE WORLD ABOUT IT, BUT YOU WON'T SPEAK WITH A PUBLICATION THAT IS NOT AS NOTABLE AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT. WOW...Best selling author or not, you were turned on to this new lifestyle because you got turned out!
Straight Bulls*it! All I can say is SUCK THIS (blog). #smashed
I was going to do an article focusing on Karrine Steffans-the author. You know, highlight some of the positive attributes she has (we all have them), as opposed to the alternative thing we all know her for...sucking d*ck and putting people on blast after she does them. I didn't want to talk about how "Steffans rose to fame when she released her tell all book about all the men she has given head to and since then has been riding the slut train all the way to the top"
because typically that's not even my style. I don't like to judge anyone if I don't have to.
So, I wrote to Steffan's PR team, who responded back with "Mrs. Steffans-McCrary is not available for interviews at this time and when she is available, prefers to work with more notable publications. Thank you for your interest, but we’ll have to decline."
I responded back with a "thank you for your timely response and I appreciate your honesty", but then I got to thinking...Hold Up A Fuggin' Minute! YOU WILL SUCK AND FUCK ON FLOORS AND BACK SEATS OF CARS AND THEN HAVE THE NERVE TO TELL THE WORLD ABOUT IT, BUT YOU WON'T SPEAK WITH A PUBLICATION THAT IS NOT AS NOTABLE AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT. WOW...Best selling author or not, you were turned on to this new lifestyle because you got turned out!
Straight Bulls*it! All I can say is SUCK THIS (blog). #smashed
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This is a fundraiser to bring awareness to the arts in our schools, communities, and to the betterment of raising the conscious of humanity through the arts. KIRAW PRODUCTIONS INC. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and inspire through the arts. They work with women and girls on health issues using the power of dramatization. They have another component that works and train children in drama ,music, vocal,visual arts, hip hop , spoken word, photography,and video production and film. All children can learn but it takes different creative ways to educate them.The arts gives children a voice,a platform to develop their skills.The arts builds self- esteem and confidence. This fundraiser to be able to offer the program to other children ,and be able to continue to hire professional artists to teach them. Due to lack of funding they were not able to offer scholarships to more children who deserve it and needed it. "Reach A Child Bridge The Future". |
For Interviews/Features/Blogs/Host Requests for J HOTT please contact: Attica Lundy Managing Editor of City Scenes Magazine 2010 Publicist/Media Manager at Celeb Status PR Blogger for MrsLV's Q & A (C) 404.583.6955 | (O) 404.593.0242 | (E) AtticaLundy@gmail.com Follow me on twitter @AtticaLundy http://twitter.com/atticalundy @CelebStatus_PR http://twitter.com/celebstatus_pr Follow my sites at http://cityscenesmag.com http://celebstatuspr.com MrsLV Blog http://myspace.com/atticalundy On The Rise w/Attica Lundy Radio Show |
Lil Hot Brings Atlanta To The Pearl Bistro
The LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN "Mix Tape Release Party Takeover" is still going on, and his entourage, which reportedly averages about twenty people, has trippled! That's right, TRIPPLED! LIL HOT arrived at the Pearl Bistro with a guest list of SIXTY ONE people [not including himself] and believe me when I tell you, NOBODY can say they've done that before.
The Pearl Bistro, located at 2841 Greenbriar Parkway, is in Atlanta. But with the group that came in with LIL HOT, it would seem that he brought the city of Atlanta with him to the club.
That's LIL HOT style, true to form. Call him the "Big Man On Campus" because he's schooling everyone on how it's done. And why not? He is, of course, Da Money Man.
People in attendance at the event were Maceo (94 Entertainment), Tracy T (NCE Entertainment), Kollosus (Block ENT), and more, and was hosted by Hot 107.9 's DJ J1 and Emperor Searcy.
Overall, the continuation of LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN's "Mixtape Release Party Takeover" is still in full effect...and this time they are rolling SIXTY ONE DEEP. 'HOT' damn!
For Interviews/Features/Blogs/Host Requests for LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN please contact:
Attica Lundy
Managing Editor of City Scenes Magazine 2010
Publicist/Media Manager at Celeb Status PR
Blogger for MrsLV's Q & A
(C) 404.583.6955 | (O) 404.593.0242 | (E) AtticaLundy@gmail.com
The Pearl Bistro, located at 2841 Greenbriar Parkway, is in Atlanta. But with the group that came in with LIL HOT, it would seem that he brought the city of Atlanta with him to the club.
It goes without saying that the legend has begun. NEW MONEY ENTERTAINMENT, the independent label that LIL HOT is the CEO of, has begun a movement that is larger than any other indie label (or major label) has undertaken. In his recent interview with City Scenes Magazine, LIL HOT was quoted saying "it’s more than a movement! We have so much to offer our people over here at NEW MONEY… The word ‘movement’ would really be a understatement." when asked about the NEW MONEY MOVEMENT that his group has been publicizing. Well, he ain't never lied, because sixty one people deep going into a club-not to mention those that are already inside-is...well, it's a real BIG deal.
That's LIL HOT style, true to form. Call him the "Big Man On Campus" because he's schooling everyone on how it's done. And why not? He is, of course, Da Money Man.
People in attendance at the event were Maceo (94 Entertainment), Tracy T (NCE Entertainment), Kollosus (Block ENT), and more, and was hosted by Hot 107.9 's DJ J1 and Emperor Searcy.
And of course, one of Atlanta's best promoters and promoter of this event, SHANOD JOHNSON of HNIC Entertainment was there.
Overall, the continuation of LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN's "Mixtape Release Party Takeover" is still in full effect...and this time they are rolling SIXTY ONE DEEP. 'HOT' damn!
For Interviews/Features/Blogs/Host Requests for LIL HOT DA MONEY MAN please contact:
Attica Lundy
Managing Editor of City Scenes Magazine 2010
Publicist/Media Manager at Celeb Status PR
Blogger for MrsLV's Q & A
(C) 404.583.6955 | (O) 404.593.0242 | (E) AtticaLundy@gmail.com
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Amber Alert : Drake Kingston Boyd Missing

This was reported on the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children website located at http://www.ncmec.org/ today, 7/12/10. He went missing on 7/11/10.The alert will run for only 10 days, and if the infant isn't located within those 10 days, the alert will be removed from that website and placed in the database.
Alerts have been issued for the following areas: Tennessee: Anderson, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Campbell, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox, Loudon, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Polk, Rhea, Roane, Scott, Sequatchie, Sevier, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union, and Washington.
My prayers go out to the family and I hope baby Drake is returned safely---and soon.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Lil Hot Performs at DJ Ace's Birthday Bash at The Gate
Lil Hot was one of many artists that came out to THE GATE, a Jonesboro, Georgia night club, for DJ Ace's Birthday Bash and Shenette's Birthday Bash. When he entered the club, he came with 21people in his entourage. However, when he hit the stage, many more joined him. And to show the love even more, the entire crowd knew all the lyrics to his songs and sang (and danced) right along with him. He performed songs from the Mix Tape hosted by DJ Scream, "Back To The Streets". Of course, the crowd went wild on his last song of the night, the infamous "I Fucked Her" (a favorite off the cd). Hmmm, wonder if anyone from the song was in the room, lol
Pictures from the Bash
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