This isn't the first time he's had to do some twitter 'rebuttaling' . In February 2010, he had to tweet that he wasn't dead.
As you know, Bill Cosby is a legendary actor, comedian, family man, fan of the kids, and humanitarian. He has recently been noted as one of Hip Hop & Rap's most outspoken complainer about the current etiquette of lyrical content and expression (lol).
Well, of course if he tweeted it, it must be true (DUH). HE IS NOT DEAD (his career may be according to some people, but he's still-a-tweetin') he's very much ALIVE. "Not #Dead, lol", as tweeters would say.
"Again, I'm rebuttaling rumors about my demise. But, I'm confirming I have an app - http://bit.ly/BillCosbyApp :) "
"Emotional friends have called about this misinformation. To the people behind the foolishness, I’m not sure you see how upsetting this is. " are some of the other tweets he tweeted today.
WTF...back up...He has an AP?
Yes, he does! He's a baller, #thisguy. I mean, how many people have their own AP (#kickrocks, haterz!). The ap is advertised on iTunes! 'This is a FREE app for Bill Cosby fans young & old. You'll find rarely seen videos, concert information, audio books, & more! For more information about this app & other Bill Cosby apps please visit http://www.billcosby.com/mobile ' (a little free PR Plug for Mr. Jello Pudding Pop from me to him".
He actually tweets quite a bit from his twitter account located at http://twitter.com/BillCosby . That's right, @BillCosby , a proud Verified Twitter Account member of Twitter World sporting 1,189,408 followers. He tweets about all kinds of things; from his viewpoints to his events that he's having to even sarcastic remarks to his fans (yes, he tweets to fans).
I'm still waiting on that tweet about me getting free Jello Pudding Pops! @BillCosby follow @AtticaLundy ,#youaretheman !
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