Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cuttin' Up On The Job

Some people are simply out of control when it comes to maintaining a professional demeanor.  You can't just get mad while you are on a job and bail out on a project, unless you are the kind of nimrod who thinks it's acceptable to just "BE FREE TO BE ME" at the work place (and no, it's not).

True story: I remember working in a call center years ago, and having an important conference call when the entire call center power went out.  No phones, No computers, No lights, No microwave to even fix lunch in.  The particular call I was on was MAJOR, as the actual meeting was in Texas and my company allowed me to do it via conference call as opposed to traveling to Texas, having to leave my children behind.  I'd put a lot into my presentation, and had even invited some ppl I was networking with to attend the TEXAS meeting.  Needless to say, the TEXAS meeting kept on going without me.  I was devastated because I managed 197 bank branches out there, and this really made me look unprofessional.  It wasn't my fault...who can control the power so many miles away.  But it was embarrassing.  Not once, though, did I bail out.  I simply had to make a decision.  Because I needed the computer, there was no need for me to try to patch in via my cell phone b/c I had no materials with me.  I went to another location so I could pull the info on the laptop, and back then there was no #wifi readily available so I had to drive 40 minutes back home, pick up on the call from there, then 3 hours later drive back 40 minutes to my job to clock out, etc.  I did it, though, because I was a grown woman with kids to take care of and I was trying to build my name in a field I loved.
Had I snapped or just folded, I would have looked bad. I didn't look bad b/c of the system failure, and even looked batter when I still showed up and showed out.  And in any job, paid or unpaid, it's your professionalism that will get you more good referrals instead of bad ones. I say all this to say that though technology may not always be up to par, human beings should be able to control their demeanor.  I would have looked so bad had I started snapping about my company's system failures being a joke, or the phone lines being bootleg, or any other things ratchet ppl say at the wake of problems because at the end of the day, I didn't put in for those things and LIFE's not always perfect.  

About a year later, I got another promotion.  I was able to enjoy it for about 6mths, when I had to take an early retirement due to my MS.  I don't regret what I did at the company, though...shining like the star that I was emerging to be.

Let Love and Light guide you in your walk in faith.  Be a representative of our wonderful FATHER GOD in all that you do, and he will surely show you favor.  Acting a fool only makes you look like one.


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