Sunday, August 9, 2009

Relationships-Is he/she the one for you?

At the end of the day, we are who we are. We can "modify" and "adapt",but we don't really change who we are. The good in all of as well as the bad has always existed within;it just takes certain experiences to bring those things out in us.
Too many times we feel as though we can change our loved ones. But, if we do not accept who they are in the first place then we must admit that they are not really for us. God created us all-so who are we to think that we can re-create another person?
Sure, we can assist, rehabiliate, teach, request, demand...and the list goes on;but the change in actions that another person makes is by choice,not necessarily by nature.
If you are with someone and feel that they could be much much better-then, of course, try to help them. But don't be disappointed if change isn't happening. And if all attempts fail, don't be afraid to realize that perhaps the person you are with may not be the person who is meant for you.
If you think about it, there were clues when you first began dating the person. Back then you probably didn't want to admit it-you felt that he/she would change or that those little pet-peave irritators would be something you could tolerate. But let me just tell you that if that was the case then you may have overlooked people that were actually more compatable with you.
Be fair AND honest with yourself. The truth hurts-but feeling unhappy and misplaced hurts far more.

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